Our Story

Aisi & Lotu's tale

The story of zoompower. is a tale that sets it apart from the typical entrepreneur’s Eureka moment. Instead, it’s an inspiring story about two siblings from Tonga, Aisi and his sister Lotu.

Lotu, a brilliant and accomplished young woman, received a scholarship to study in New York. Her career flourished there, but she never forgot her roots and regularly visited her brother’s family in Tonga.

During her visits, Lotu couldn’t help but be frustrated by the stark contrast in electricity costs and reliability between New York and Tonga. Her brother had to pay three times more for electricity, even facing frequent power outages.

Back in New York, a solar company approached her with an offer for a solar system, and she was amazed by how easy and effective it was to harness solar power in the USA, despite the region’s relatively low sunshine hours. However, living in an inner-city apartment without access to a roof, she couldn’t take advantage of the opportunity.

But then, a brilliant idea struck her—why not install the solar system at her brother’s house in Tonga? She delved into some research and discovered that the same solar system would produce 40% more electricity in Tonga than in New York, and it would offset the exorbitant 300% higher electricity prices there. Moreover, it would replace the need for a dirty diesel generator.

So, Lotu invested in the solar system and set it up at her brother Aisi’s house. Now, the solar panels generate electricity that Aisi’s family uses, and in return, Aisi pays Lotu for the electricity at the same rate she would have received in New York.

The result of this innovative arrangement is amazing: Lotu earns 40% more with her solar system because she borrows the abundant Tongan sunshine, and Aisi pays three times less for his electricity, benefiting from New York’s electricity rate.

In this simple collaboration between siblings, Zoompower’s story emerges as an inspiring example of using technology and compassion to bridge the equality gap and create a brighter and more sustainable future for all.

Our vision of a better environment

zoompower. fosters a global sustainable society through financially rewarding solar projects. By uniting backers worldwide, we fund private solar installations to empower families, particularly in energy-deprived regions. Simultaneously, we aid urban individuals in contributing to solar energy. 
This approach optimizes solar potential, advancing a greener world and enhancing lives.

Current zoompower. projects